A local hub for climate science and career training

Plus, a Victoria company takes the lead on digitizing the ocean industry.

Welcome to this week’s Midweek Memo. In this issue, learn about the new programs coming to UVic; a local consultancy leading the way to digitize the ocean industry; and an opportunity to travel somewhere new, supported by a Victoria venture.

-Allison, @allisongacad

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UVic launches suite of climate science and technology-focused degree programs

Photo: Armon Arani / Unsplash

The University of Victoria recently launched a BSc in Climate Science as well as a graduate training program for climate solutions. The institution highlights its track record of interdisciplinary climate research as a foundation of its new curricula in a warming world.

Victoria, along with the 80 percent of B.C.'s population that lives within five kilometres of the coastline, is at pronounced risk for the effects of climate change. Although the capital region is home to many startups working on solutions for a heating planet, panelists at Victoria Tech Journal's recent #VicTJtalks highlighted an emerging gap in local talent.

The BSc will launch in May 2023, with a focus on bridging both the faculties of science and social science. While other undergraduate climate programs focus on either atmospheric science or the social impacts of adaptation and mitigation, the new UVic program merges both of these streams for the first time, the university noted in a press release. 

Similarly, Coastal Climate Solutions Leaders — a program open to UVic Masters, PhD, and postdoctoral students — will launch in September 2023. The training plans to bridge the sciences, engineering, social sciences, and business, gearing up participants for the tens of thousands of new climate jobs that will be created this decade in B.C., according to UVic.

The new programs arrive amidst declining enrolments at the university. Tuition fees have also risen in recent years for both domestic and international students, in addition to a proposed hike in student housing rates by up to 10 percent for the upcoming academic year, as reported by Capital Daily.

📰 More Victoria innovation news

🌊 Gone fishing: Victoria-based DSA Ocean will lead a $1.3-million Virtual Ocean Project, supported by Canada's Ocean Supercluster, to build a digital platform with custom software apps addressing needs in the sector, including marine aquaculture, marine renewables, defence, and offshore energy.

🛫 Gone travelling: Flytographer is hiring two "Chief Memory Makers". The company will pay for a duo's roundtrip airfare and week-long hotel stay, plus a travel stipend, in exchange for capturing content for Flytographer's Instagram account. Learn more about the opportunity.

📈 Gone public: Tiny officially went public on the Toronto Stock Exchange as $TINY. Read more about the transaction.

🕴️ Tech jobs of the week

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